The Waynesboro Gallery

The Waynesboro Gallery
329 West Main Street
Waynesboro, VA
The P. Buckley Moss Gallery is located in the heart of the Shenandoah Valley in Waynesboro, Virginia’s, revitalized downtown area at 329 West Main Street. The Waynesboro gallery is home to the most extensive collection of Moss artwork, which includes prints, porcelain ornaments, collectibles and her prized original watercolor paintings and etchings.
The gallery is centrally located. Click here for directions to the gallery. Local accommodations and eating establishments are numerous in Waynesboro and the surrounding area. is an excellent resource for planning your visit, or the gallery staff can assist with suggestions.
Much of Pat’s inspiration and imagery stems from Virginia’s valley scenery and its people. She considers the landscapes, lifestyles, cultures and traditions of the area to hold an important message for modern society. By exhibiting the work of P. Buckley Moss, contemplating its symbolism and sources, the talent of this artist can be put in greater perspective, allowing the public to share more fully in her exhilarating vision.
Historic and scenic sites are within convenient driving distance from the gallery including: Monticello, University of Virginia, Woodrow Wilson’s Birthplace, the Frontier Culture Museum, the Blue Ridge Parkway and Skyline Drive.
The Gallery is open Tuesday-Saturday 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
For questions or further information please contact P. Buckley Moss Gallery of Waynesboro at (540) 949-6473. To see what is new in the gallery, please visit our Facebook page for daily updates.
Barn Show Information
For more information on the Barn Show please go to our Barn Show page.