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  • Currituck Beach Lighthouse ***Sold Out***


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    SKU: 0196052106 Category:


    Currituck Beach Lighthouse

    Issued in 1996

    IS: 18-1/4 x 9-5/8 ins. PS: 20-1/4 x 11-5/8 ins.

    Edition: 1,000 and 25 artist’s proofs

    Rare Print

    This print is no longer available from The Moss Portfolio on this shopping site.

    It might still be available at your local P. Buckley Moss gallery.

    Issued at $90.

    Estimated current value is $240.

    Currituck Beach Lighthouse was first lighted on December 1, 1875. It’s beacon filled the last “dark spot” along the coast of North Carolina between Cape Henry and Bodie Island. The light was automated in 1939. Unpainted bricks make the structure unique in the region.


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