Dear Friends,
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” Benjamin Franklin
The application period for the P Buckley Moss Endowed Scholarship is now open until March 31st. Awarded annually, this scholarship provides up to $1,000 in tuition assistance for the selected applicant. The criteria to apply is that the student is a graduating high school senior with a learning difference, who plans a career in the visual arts. I have a link to the application page for you. I encourage all of you to share this with your teacher friends and family.
I have created a new piece that celebrates Valentine’s Day. My staff and I would like to invite you to help us name this print. You will need to email your title suggestions to by Monday, January 23, 2023. If your title is selected, you will receive a copy of this print. One helpful hint that I can give you, is that you will want to see if your title has been previously used by visiting I can’t wait to hear from you!

Until next week,