Dear Friends,
Oh my, but it is cold outside. The groundhog says we’re in for 6 more weeks of winter. With the present chill, I’m wondering if I can get credit for a week’s worth of winter in one day. I will be staying inside today. Earlier this week I went to the P Buckley Moss Gallery of Blacksburg for a visit. They are preparing for my Valentine’s show, February 11th and 12th, and I managed to take a photo of the gift basket that they will be giving away.

Winter does afford us a period of rest. It is a great time to settle in cozy and warm and do some reading. A poem I came across recently served to remind me that for all the seemingly blandness hues of winter, there are vivid bursts of color. The title of this poem is A Winter Bluejay. It was written by Sara Teasdale in the early part of the twentieth century. The overall tone of the poem is one of hope, which is why I am drawn to it. I hope you like it too.

Meet my friend and quilter Martha Williams! Over the years, she has generously donated her time and skills by making quilts for the Moss Foundation to use for fundraising. The quilt chosen for the 2023 Moss Foundation Quilt Raffle is one of hers. Like many of our quilters, I had the pleasure of meeting Martha and then spending time with her on a Moss Society trip.

Raffle tickets are now available for purchase through the Moss Foundation office. Here is the contact information, email:, or phone: 800-430-1320. The individual ticket price is $3, or 2 for $5. Similar to previous years, the quilt will accompany me to gallery shows throughout the year. You will want to see this beauty up close. The photos just don’t capture the subtle color blends. The drawing will be held at the P Buckley Moss Gallery of Waynesboro on Sunday, December 3, 2023. You need not be present to win.

In closing, I have a message for my fellow travelers going on the British Isles Tour in May, watch for an important email coming from Collette next week.
Until next week,