Dear Friends, I ushered in the New Year with my grand dog Elsie. I don’t believe that either one of us were awake at midnight. Coming into 2024, I feel rested and energized. I hosted a small gathering of family and friends on New Year’s Eve day followed by a visit to...
Dear Friends, 2023 is moving into a memory, and as it passes, I would like to share some highlights from this year. My year was exceptional and I have you to thank for it. We have travelled together, eaten together, shared stories and made some memories. The year...
Dear Friends, Oh my, but it is cold outside. The groundhog says we’re in for 6 more weeks of winter. With the present chill, I’m wondering if I can get credit for a week’s worth of winter in one day. I will be staying inside today. Earlier this week I went to...
Dear Friends, I am on my way to a full recovery from my recent hip surgery. All of your kind and loving cards have helped me persevere through the rigors presented by physical therapy. Thank you! I also see the days becoming longer and I am eager for my first show of...
Dear Friends, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” Benjamin Franklin The application period for the P Buckley Moss Endowed Scholarship is now open until March 31st. Awarded annually, this scholarship provides up to $1,000 in tuition assistance for the...